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A young boy decides to cut himself off completely from his previous life. He leaves his family, friends and school. He abandons everything he has known and takes up residence on a small island in the lake. The protagonist is in search of space, unfettered expression, intimacy, simple 'just being'. In a youthful, idealistic rebellion, he dreams of rejecting all norms. He is tired of and sincerely uninterested in the internet, culture, education, religion and their institutions. He wants to not have to do anything and live his life by the lake. His romantic desire for wild freedom provokes strong reactions and emotions among those closest to him. At various stages of his retreat, he is visited by a succession of uninvited guests. His courage and non-conformism force him into difficult confrontations.

Feature film - short, 30 minutes  
Production: Poland 
Year of production: 2021


Director: Martyna Majewska 

Cinematographer: Konrad Śniady

Producer: Jacek Głomb (Modrzejewska Theatre in Legnica)

Executive producer: Dorota Schleiss (ASF Studio)

Imię, Tytuł

Tell your story, introduce your services or products and effectively reach your customers, using film and video content. We have worked on international markets since 2011.


If you like our film & video productions,
let's meet for a short video call to discuss what we can create together.


Thanks for reaching out.

direct contact


Jakub Klawikowski

 + 48 606 717 088

jakub @

Contact Jakub in connection with:

  • production of ads and content for social media

  • video marketing support

  • production of sports videos,

  • event coverage

  • trainings and courses

Dorota Schleiss.jpg

Dorota Schleiss

+ 48 509 713 732

d.schleiss @

Contact Dorota in connection with:

  • production of documentaries and feature films

  • production of commercials and corporate films


Feature Film Studio building, Wystawowa Street 1, room 136, 51-618 Wrocław

NIP: 8982256282

REGON: 385573559

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KRS: 0000829541
wpisana przez Sąd rejestrowy: Sąd Rejonowy dla Wrocławia Fabrycznej we Wrocławiu VI Wydział Gospodarczy KRS Poznańska 16-20, 53-630 Wrocław
Kapitał zakładowy: 5000 zł
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