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Ievgen Gaponov


Initially he treated video creation as a hobby, but after some time, he decided to devote himself entirely to its development, and has been involved in audiovisual content for 3 years now. He realises both amateur and commercial projects, with a special interest in advertising and film analysis. Being on the film sets and in the recording studio he managed to get to know the industry inside out and gain experience. In addition to direct shooting and video editing, he focuses on motion design and computer graphics.

Imię, Tytuł

3 czerwca obchodzimy Światowy Dzień Roweru i w związku z tym KROSS postanowił uczcić video-manifestem rowerzystę, który drzemie w każdym z nas - Czas na E-MOCJE, CZAS NA E-BIKE, CZAS NA ROWER. Reklama zrealizowana w Warszawie.

Gatunek: reklama online

Czas trwania: 45 sekund

Produkcja: Polska

Rok produkcji: 2021


Reżyseria: Jakub Klawikowski

Autor zdjęć: Jakub Klawikowski

Producent: Dorota Schleiss, Jakub Klawikowski

Kierownik produkcji: Aleksander Złotorawski

Klient: KROSS

Tell your story, introduce your services or products and effectively reach your customers, using film and video content. We have worked on international markets since 2011.

20 years of Lokum Deweloper


If you like our film & video productions,
let's meet for a short video call to discuss what we can create together.


Thanks for reaching out.

direct contact


Jakub Klawikowski

 + 48 606 717 088

jakub @

Contact Jakub in connection with:

  • production of ads and content for social media

  • video marketing support

  • production of sports videos,

  • event coverage

  • trainings and courses

Dorota Schleiss.jpg

Dorota Schleiss

+ 48 509 713 732

d.schleiss @

Contact Dorota in connection with:

  • production of documentaries and feature films

  • production of commercials and corporate films


Feature Film Studio building, Wystawowa Street 1, room 136, 51-618 Wrocław

NIP: 8982256282

REGON: 385573559

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KRS: 0000829541
wpisana przez Sąd rejestrowy: Sąd Rejonowy dla Wrocławia Fabrycznej we Wrocławiu VI Wydział Gospodarczy KRS Poznańska 16-20, 53-630 Wrocław
Kapitał zakładowy: 5000 zł
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